A home cooked meal, a comfy bed with great linens, bright stars and brilliant sunsets, peace and quiet, or exhilarating conversation. It's pretty simple. No themes and gadgets; no silly names and come-ons. Life at the Lazy T is simple and sensible. Life in Fredericksburg is the same way. I ran a few errands the other day and when I came home my average MPH per my car was 20!
Baking brownies, coffee cakes, and pouring wine for new found friends is a great way to live. It's like throwing a party many days a week. Someone asked me if I had made any friends in FBG, I answered yes, at least 10 a weekend. My world expands greatly guest by guest.
Baking brownies, coffee cakes, and pouring wine for new found friends is a great way to live. It's like throwing a party many days a week. Someone asked me if I had made any friends in FBG, I answered yes, at least 10 a weekend. My world expands greatly guest by guest.